“ The spirit of Mary is something most delicate and profound, obtained only through sustained meditation and prayer. ” - Jean Claude Colin, Founder Marist Order
Safeguarding Audit Notice
08 Aug 2023

Safeguarding Audit
The Marist Fathers in Ireland has invited the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (National Board) to conduct a review of its Child Safeguarding practice on the 30th and 31st August 2023.
If you have any views about Safeguarding in the Marist Fathers, we invite you to come forward to us (admin@maristfathers.ie), or to the National Board (01-5053124).
If you wish to report a child safeguarding concern, please contact the Marist Fathers Designated Liaison Person (DLP) (John Sheridan Tel: +447708672660 or email johnsheridan253@gmail.com), or An Garda Síochána (01-6663430/35), or TUSLA (www.tusla.ie/get-in-touch/duty-social-work-teams/ to locate a Tusla office in your area).